Star anise is something i use often for divination. It helps to raise psychic abilities and as a bonus it smells delicious!
My two personal favourite ways are to burn it or for making divination tea . You can burn it as incense or put some in your fireplace , it a great natural fire starter.
A easy way to incorporate star anise to your divination is to atrach the star onto a piece of string and use it as a pendulum.
Star anise is great for protection and psychic protection, use it in protection spells or as and ingredient for spells jars / sachets .
Thanks to the pretty apperance of anise you can use it to to craft very useful and eye-catching things like a protection a wreath for your front door or even a simple protection necklace , everything you craft is visually beautiful when useing this spice.
Star anise also is great to bring luck , carry some in your purse you wont be disappointed, plus it will smell lovely. Again add to you luck spells and spell jars/ sachets .
This spice is also well known for its use in preventing nightmares, keep some by your bed or inside your pillow, you can also use it in your spell jars / sachets for good sleep.
Great for use in rituals of the dead as it increases psychic awareness and protection. When placed around the burial site of a loved one it will offer protection and positivity.
As you may know star anise is a spice and a well known cooking ingredient uses in drinks , soups, broths, stews, sauces and even deserts . With so many options there are loads of ways to incorporate the magick of star anise into your cooking . Remember to cook with intent .
The benefits of star anise dont stop there , it is also good for your body , it has anti - fungal, antibacterial and anti - inflammatory properties.
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G.w ♡
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