Basil is known by a few nicknames " holy basil , queen of herbs , king of herbs " as you can guess by its nicknames this is a pretty special herb and a great addition to your herb garden , it is easy to grow at home i have done so for years as its always such a useful ingredient to have at hand . Interesting fact basil like some other herbs don't even need soil they can grow perfectly healthy in just a glass of water .
This handy herb is great for doorways and entry ways , this is because of the two properties it has protection and prosperity. Hang basil above your door to invite wealth into your home , but as it also a protection herb this will aid in protecting your entrances.
sprinkle dried basil into the corners of your doorway to attract prosperity and wealth into your home as well as or instead of hanging it .
Have you tried useing holy basil for ridding your home of negatively ? It can also do the same for your crystals, ritual tool and all other items . A few ways to do this is are by using a basil smoke wand or smudge stick, you can purchase these or have a go at drying and making your own . Incense stick work great also and can be purchased at reasonable prices. Whatever you choose to use you then light it and walk through the house clockwise as you would when doing any smudging . Make sure to get all those hidden palces and open a window to let the negatively out. To cleanse your crystals, tools and items hold them over the smoke or put the snoke over them .
If you dont like the smokiness of it all dont worry you can use the element of water instead . Boil some basil in water and put it in a spray bottle once oy cooled and spray it around the house or simply sprinkle it around the house if you dont have a spray bottle! Basil spay bottles are useful for travelling, using in hotel rooms and rentals.
Basil can bring prosperity into your life and here are just a few simple ways to do so , the first and most si.ple is to put a basul leaf i your purse with your money to return abundance to you. You could also simply carry some with you in a pouch to attract prosperity wherever you go. If you want to manifest more money try this , place mo ey into a box and place some basil ontop of it , you then either write or say your intent to multiply your money and close the box , once the box is closed stach it away some where secure.
Lets not forget about love ! Basil is a common ingredient in love spells , jars and sachets. It is said that the sent of basil is used to calm tempers between lovers . It was believed in Eastern Europe that when a young man accepted freash basil from a womans hand he would fall in love with her .
It is well known that basil is a common cooking ingredient so remember when you are using it in a recipe to cook it with intent stirring clockwise. Cooking is fun and easy magick .
The healing properties of this herb include anti anxiety and stress fighting properties but it dosnt stop there !
It is antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial too .
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