
Published on 19 August 2023 at 14:15

Element  :Water/ air

Planet  :  Moon

Eucalyptus is native to Australia and i cant help but think of cute little koala bears munching away on it . Apart from being these little guys snacks eucalyptus has many other uses .
The protective properties of eucalyptus are short lived but it is very potent so it is great to use for immediate protection or to immediately eliminate negative energies. To use it for protection here are a few options,  as a smoke cleanseing with eucalyptus smudge stick,  make eucalyptus water to put in a spray bottle or simply sprinkle it around your home . When made as a wreath its absolutely gorgeous and will protect your entry way and ward off negativity energies,  it dosnt have to be a wreath a bunch by the door will work just as well.  Anointing oils made with eucalyptus are great for cleansing your ritual tools, its strong and effective.
This is a excellent herb for when someone is bothering you ,  take a photo or write the name of the person bothering you ( if its via phone you can use their number ) then tie it to three steams  of eucalyptus tightly and put it in the freezer , or burn it with intent. 
Another  easy way to benefit from its protective properties, you can use some oil or eucalyptus water to splash on for a night out .  Eucalyptus will create a protection barrier around you but you unlike other protective herbs it won't  constrain others while doing so .

The other main property of eucalyptus is its healing powers. Its a key ingredient for health spells it can be burned , used in health poppets,  spell jars and sachets,  sprayed as infused water or simply sprinkles around to promote health and healing. If you have a sick loved one gift them some eucalyptus in their bouquet of flowers, or place bunch of eucalyptus near a photograph of them to promote health and healing. 
Raising vibrations and bringing new energy to suitations eucalyptus will help relieve you from mental exhaustion whil easing your worries.  It can be used alone or mixed with other ingredients for optimal results.
A popular tip for eucalyptus you may of heard of is you hang it in your shower . This is because the steam from the shower will then release the oils from the eucalyptus  so you can benefit from all it wondeful uses while you shower.  Eucalyptus showers will give you mental clarity,  help de stress , enhance you mood . That not to mention its great fir respiratory health,  has anti - inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Warning: Eucalyptus essential oil is TOXIC  is large quantities,  always use a carrier oil and take breaks from essential oil use to avoild toxic build up.

Do not use eucalyptus essential oil on children or animals.

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a year ago

Hello I'm interested to know how to make eucalyptus infused sprays. Do I just add twigs and leaves to the water and let it stand for few days before using or what's the best way? Or can I just add few drops of essential oil to that water?
Thanks in advance