
Published on 23 September 2023 at 14:19


A Magical Ingredient Beyond the Kitchen


Garlic, with its pungent aroma and distinct flavor, has long been a staple in kitchens around the world. But did you know that this humble herb is not just a culinary delight? It also possesses a rich history of magical and mystical uses that span centuries and cultures. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating world of garlic's magickal properties and its diverse applications beyond the realm of cooking.


A Brief History of Garlic in Magick


Garlic's association with the supernatural and the mystical dates back thousands of years. In ancient Egypt, garlic bulbs were placed in the tombs of pharaohs to protect them on their journey to the afterlife. Similarly, in ancient Greece, garlic was believed to ward off evil spirits and was often placed at crossroads and entryways to homes.


Protection and Warding Off Evil


One of garlic's most well-known magical uses is its ability to provide protection and ward off negative energies. It has been used in various forms, from hanging garlic cloves in doorways to creating protective amulets. The belief in garlic's protective properties is rooted in its strong smell, which was thought to repel malevolent forces.


Warding off Vampires


Perhaps the most famous association of garlic in the realm of folklore is its use as a deterrent against vampires. Garlic cloves were often worn as necklaces or placed around the home to keep these bloodsucking creatures at bay. This myth persists in popular culture, contributing to garlic's iconic status in the realm of supernatural lore.


Healing and Purification


Garlic is also believed to possess healing and purification properties in magickal practices. In some traditions, it is used to cleanse negative energy and promote physical well-being. Garlic bulbs can be incorporated into spells or rituals aimed at healing or removing obstacles from one's path.


Love and Attraction


In addition to its protective qualities, garlic is associated with matters of the heart. Some practitioners use garlic in love spells and rituals to attract romantic partners or enhance existing relationships. It is said that the pungent aroma of garlic can be used to arouse passion and desire.


Divination and Psychic Abilities


Garlic has been used by some cultures as a tool to enhance psychic abilities and promote divination. It is believed that the scent of garlic can sharpen one's intuition and open the third eye, making it easier to access hidden knowledge and insights.


Incorporating Garlic into Magickal Practices


There are various ways to incorporate garlic into your own magickal practices. Here are a few simple ideas:


1. Garlic Amulet: Create a protective amulet by stringing garlic cloves onto a thread or cord. Carry it with you or hang it in your home to ward off negative energies.


2. Garlic Cleansing Ritual: Perform a cleansing ritual by rubbing a garlic clove on your skin or passing it over your body to remove negative energy. Then, dispose of the garlic by burying it in the earth.


3. Love Spell: To attract love, place a clove of garlic under your pillow or carry it with you. Focus on your intention for finding love as you do so.


4. Divination Aid: Burn a garlic bulb as incense during divination or meditation sessions to enhance your psychic abilities and gain deeper insights.


5. Protection Sachet: Create a small sachet containing garlic cloves, along with other protective herbs and stones, and carry it with you to keep negativity at bay.




Garlic's magickal uses are as diverse as its culinary applications. Whether you seek protection, love, healing, or enhanced psychic abilities, this humble herb has a place in the world of magick and mysticism. As you explore these ancient practices, remember that intention and belief play a significant role in the effectiveness of any magickal endeavor. So, embrace the power of garlic and let its magickal properties enhance your spiritual journey.

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